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AWARDS – The #45Over45 Grand Finale Group Image WINS SILVER!


Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Today, I am proudly announcing a SILVER Award for

the My Body My Story #45Over45 project Grand Finale Image!

click on the image to enlarge it.

#45Over45 Grand Finale Image

Here is what judges had to say:

"38 radiant, confident, poised women! As I take a closer look, I am impressed by the engagement each and every one of these women has with the photographer. The elegance of the black evening dresses is complemented by the simple charcoal boxes and backdrop. I applaud the photographer for creating a cohesive image with a group of this size!"

"The variety in the posing is impressive and most of the expressions and eyes are as good as a one-on-one portrait. Overall - effective shot!"

So how did this engagement, connection, and expressions happen?

The work that was done to technically create this image took many hours of planning, preparation, production, and post-production.

But more importantly, this Grand Finale group image wraps up 2 years of work on the #45over45 chapter of the My Body My Story project (Seasons 1 and 2). I believe this brought out the engagement of each woman with the photographer (me). This is what the judges were impressed by.

I believe that during the project, we have built a personal connection with each of these women. We spent a whole day, one-on-one, with each woman at my studio. Pampering with a makeup session, podcast episode recording, laughing and crying, bonding, playing with outfits and accessories, and the photoshoot itself.

Second, all the women were very proud to be a part of the project, were engaged in the project, supported it greatly and put a lot of effort into the Gala Night preparation!

And I want to THANK all of them for helping me create this amazing piece of art that earned this great award! When I look at each woman in this image one by one, I can see them smiling at me from the other side of the lens!

The image was taken during the #45Over45 Gala Night on 21st October 2022 in Sydney Australia. And here is some backstage.

Backstage SLIDESHOW:

Backstage VIDEO:

7th April 2023



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