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Episode 23 – Danyelle| Role of Tattoo Art in Body Image | My Body.My Story PODCAST| 45Over45 chapter


Updated: Jun 27, 2022

In this episode(LISTEN TO THE EPISODE), Danyelle talks about tattoo art and its role in body image, life-changing experiences, and different reasons why people do tattoos. She also talks about the psychology and symbolism behind tattooing.

As an old-school professional tattoo artist, Danyelle talks about the importance of ethics a tattooer should have. A tattooist often becomes a trusted person with whom people share their stories and secrets. Often a tattoo artist helps people to transit through their most important life events.

Danyelle says that even if it’s a full-back or a tiny tattoo, it is a way of expressing something that is within a person. It is a reflection of who they are as a person and should be respected equally.

Danyelle also talks about her favorite cover-up tattoos.

Danyelle’s advice to younger women is:

Know your own value. Be true to yourself. Educate yourself, don’t take everyone else’s word as truth, know your own core beliefs. Protect and look after your health – mind, body, soul.

Danyelle’s contacts:




10 Facts About Danyelle

(at the time of the project)

1. 50 years old.

2. Danyelle is a single mother of four adult children.

3. Danyelle is a tattoo artist on Mid North Coast.

4. She’s been doing this for a very, very long time. And did it old school, where even inks were made with pigments and acetone.

5. Her favorite tattoos today are cover-ups.

6. The oldest person she’s tattooed is 93.

7. Danyelle is passionate about her kids, her garden, her cat and just living life as best as she can.

8. She likes taking photos of flowers.

9. Biggest challenge at this age – “Not being able to do what I want to do..”

10. Positive change with age – “More of an acceptance of who I am and my place in the world. I'm not stressing so much about stuff.”

Watch Danyelle's VIDEO interview HERE




INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT (auto-generated) :

Hi, you are listening to My Body My Story podcast,

And that is why I am tattooing, as well. And that's a big part of me and why I've done it for so long. And people stories, that you are literally under some people’s skin.

This is the 45 or 45 chapter where we celebrate rule breakers and role models, the women who inspire us to live life our way and to show that sensuality, beauty, soul and true essence. Here we talk about what it's like to be 45 Plus, adjusting to the changes that come with time, and will listen to the stories of our participants. If you have an interesting story to share, we would love you to participate, you can email us on or visit our website, www.

Hi, Danielle, thank you very much for joining our project. And I'm looking forward to your interview because you are very interesting person. And I have a lot of questions to ask. And let's start with a simple one. Just tell us a bit about yourself.

I'm freshly 50 now, the big five-o in August. I'm a mother of four amazing humans. I'm a tattoo artist on mid north coast. And yeah

Sure, short and simple. So tell me what are you most passionate about?

Ah, definitely my kids. Ah, my garden, my cat. Um, yeah, like taking photos and flowers and just just living life as best as I can. With what I've got.

I knew that you mentioned that you are tattoo artists. And I have a lot of questions I want to ask you about this. Because I think it’s a real art and for me, it looks like magic. So, and I think it's, I want to connect this question with another one about the body image. So first of all, I want to ask you where do you think the idea of perfect body image comes from?

I think that's in our own minds. And how we perceive ourself and in relative to other people, I think there's a lot of comparisons, I think society puts up a lot about body image. But ultimately it comes down to how you think and feel about yourself, and how you compare yourself to what's around you or the other.

So I'm connected with this question, I want to talk a bit more about the role of tattoos in the body image. So I have a lot of questions how why people start doing that and what is the meaning

Oh how many hours have you got?

okay, so I um, well, people choose for themselves to get a tattoo. And for what that reason is, is unlimited probably um. I can only speak for myself personally and where I work and how I've been working. But a lot of people get tattoos because they just like them and they want one um, and then within that it's could be for a keepsake, memorial, a dedication, they just like animals, and they just like flowers or there's so many different reasons, and why people get tattoo. So you can even go as far back as tribal tattooing. And the art form of tattooing is so old. It's, you know, a part of our society and human for 1000s of years,

Particularly talking about this tribal tattoos, I think they were signs of, or tools for identification, you know, and differentiation, like one tribe from the other and for, I don't know, is it the right word, like a for a military purpose, like to know the enemy..or to frighten them..

in line with your questions, I guess? I mean, if you ask the same question to a roomful of Tattooist, you would get so many different answers from different perspectives and things like that. So as an art form, it's just been in, in our society for 1000s, and 1000s, of years, so whenever that's changed, then the art forms changed. And, you know, you've gone from hand poking tattoos now to machines, or wireless. Like even technology, like it's such a layered thing.

What I'm interested is, like, it's quite, it's a permanent thing. I know, you told me that you can cover one tattoo with another in case of like, the person change their mind or, but initially, the person has to decide to cover the body or skin with the images or with the signs, which will be permanent. Like, it's something which you were like, you cannot erase it. You cannot, you can, theoretically, but

yeah, I mean, there's technology now that you can get laser and tattoo removal and things like that. So there is there is removeable out there that can fade off tattoos, and I mean, I have seen it and heard it. And then yet you have people that do cover ups as tattoos which is I love I love doing them as like if people come into the studio, and they're like, I need a cover up, and no one will, wants to do it or try and cover up. They're my favourite tattoos today.

Yeah, so just tell me a bit more, because I think it's a quite difficult skill, you know, to cover up the old tattoo with the new one.

Yeah, and, you know, I, um, the way a lot of those cover up tattoos to their old or names or images that people just don't want on their bodies anymore. It's just not who they are. Like, they've changed. They might have got a tattoo when they were teenagers, or in their 20s or something, and now in their 40s 50s. And it's just, it's maybe not appropriate, or it's just, they want it gone. So yeah, it's just inks are different now as well, machines, techniques, all of that sort of stuff plays into it. Skin, like the quality of the skin, the actual tattoo itself, what colours is being used, and if it's blown out, or all sorts of stuff, so yeah, cover ups do present a bit of a challenge for the artist as well. And yay, it's an art form, we finally get one shot at it as well. So there's all the challenges of cover ups and but like we share minds,

how many times you can cover that to like, for example one she or he has gone to you can cover it. So how many layers you can do

Oh, yeah, well, that comes down to healing time in the scheme and each tattoo would be different. But that is a bit of a joke. I've had a few tattoos where I've done a cover up of a cover up of a cover up. So yeah, there aren't sure about this thing or, or they've got the tattoo and someone said yeah, I could cover it because then it doesn't cover up properly and and they don't like that. And then you sort of got to try and work with what you've got there and cover it up again and then. Yeah, it's kind of like goal painting over painting over painting over painting, but it comes down to skin tone and trying to call it that you use as well. So when it gets really, really dark colours, um, that can be a little bit more difficult. But in saying that too, you can research it if you want. But there's people that do wide over black color, so you black out a whole area, and then that hardens up a bit and hills and then people have been putting white and colour like either that. If you do search it up yourself, there's amazing artists that do amazing things with cover ups. And fix ups like fix UPS is a big thing, too, is a great surge at the moment to have blast overs and people putting other things over tattoos, but then leaving little old bits sticking out. And that's that's part of the tattoo. Yeah, people I've seen just blacking whole pieces of themselves, like not mentioning anyone but yeah, so it's another it's another thing like it's your skin, it changes with you, it moves with you. Um and, I mean, the oldest person I've tattooed is 93. So

So is it like is it like a fashion thing? Because I remember you mentioned that it's also differ from City Fashion differ from the country?

Yeah, yeah. So within that art form itself, you have different styles of tattooing that people will gravitate more to, and like go sort of styles. So I guess you could say is a fashion being, so you have people that really love realistic looking tattoos or have people that love Neo traditional tattoos or have people that love black line fine black and grey, people or love colour. So it's definitely a reflection of who they are as a person, and their style and what they like and, and things like that.

But do you think there is influence of the society or like your area where you leave, because like, I remember you said like, in the country is more fashionable to have the one type of tattoos like the sleeves of flower, the floral sleeves, and in this city is something different, or within that group of the people, if they influence you to have a certain tattoo. So I'm leading into the subject of body image, which influence

okay. That's really interesting. So I guess since when I first started tattooing, there wasn't so much on social media, there wasn't social media. And so you could walk into a tattoo shop and pick flash off the wall and, and just you picked a tattoo that way. Now, you've got social media, pin images, Google images, all this sort of stuff. So it has the meat personally. And again, I can only speak for myself. So if you had a room fool of tattooists, you get all different answers. But it is very interesting how popular tattooing has become. And people bring in the same reference pictures that are like the top photos on Google or the top photos in Pinterest or they might pick a particular style that they like, and the same reference images will always keep popping up or copying other people's tattoos or things like that. So it has been interesting over a long time watching tattoos and how tattooing would become more popular and mainstream and yeah,

so I suppose to be divided like tattoos out of the fashion because everyone is doing that and It looks cool. And tattoos, which means something like your name of kids, or events, which are not more of a fashion but more meaningful. Like, is that right to say like that, or?

Yeah, I mean, you like I think that's the most amazing thing. And what I love so much about tattooing is that everyone will do it for different reasons. Every day is different. So you could you could go into work one day and and the first person's getting a slave added on adding on to their slave or something because they're really like a wolf for argument's sake, then the next person's come in, and they're getting a full sleeve of roses and clocks that represent each kid's birth time and date missing that. For each person it is still a very personal thing, whether it's just because you want to look cool, or it's a date of your child or a memory of someone that's passed over, each tattoo is a very personal, personal thing. And I love the ones that come and go, now, Man, this looks cool. There's no meaning not every time you have to have a meaning to it either. Some people just really like, tigers. So they really like it. So that and then you and then then the very next person will come in, and we'll give you the big life story. And this could be the tiniest tattoo, but it will have so much meaning and a big life story behind it. And it's the world for them.

People in times of grief will come and get tattooed. And so, personally, again, I'm only speaking for myself, for some of the clients that I've had, I have been their first port of call after they've lost someone. Sometimes you're not only just sitting there in the capacity of a tattoo artist, you're there as a friend, a counsellor. Yeah, this is this is sort of like trade sort of joke of your tattoo rates are 115 our council rates 200. You have people that will sit and get a tattoo and you'll find some will just sit like this not say a word others will just tell you their deep dark secrets. And there's things that people have told me over the years that I'll take to the grave. So in like cases of grief, people are hurting or grief is in a can be a loss of a loved one a child or relationship, anything like a grief. They're hurting so much and then numb that sometimes a tattoo and the pain of the tattoo makes them feel real, like real again. And then you've got to actually care for the tattoo afterwards. And it scars in it does its process. So um, there's that hole they're hurting, they can actually feel something again, and then they have to take care of themselves. So there is all different processes entirely, as well that I don't know if a lot of people realise or talk about or, or self. So the few clients that I've had that I have sat and cried with I don't know how the fuck they're still standing with what they've gone through. And so it's a very big privilege and honour sometimes that you're with this person in that moment. And, and you're tattooing them, so you're working, but you kind of.. I don't know how to explain it, but you you kind of like this person that transitions and transitions them through to something else. And then like physically have this thing on them that, that you've been a part of. And that is why I am tattooing, as well. And that's a big part of me and why I've done it for so long. And people stories are key literally under some people skin in more ways than one.

Yeah, I can relate. Because I have same stories of women who come to the photoshoot it's

I remember, I remember. Yeah, I remember really early in my career. This woman, I recall the story a lot of people and I get goosebumps every time. So she can't because where we used to work there was sort of like this little gate and she was meant to go to the other side or something. happen and she came to me. And this is where I strongly believe sometimes people will cross over paths. And I'm meant to tattoo people. And I've always believed that from day one. Anyway, this lady came in and she just wanted these tiny but I was only fresh into tattooing really had no idea. And she laid down and I did this tiny little bird. And she started crying and sobbing, and it wasn't from the pain of the tattoo, like she was going through big bond stuff. And I didn't know what to do is first sort of time this happened. And then anyway, cut a very long story short, this little bird, I put so many different colours in it, and everything and and this whole energy can't was coming out. It sounds crazy. So anyone that knows me will know what that you know. Anyway, so I'm tattooing her and I could feel all this really yucky stuff coming. And I in my head, I'm just kidding, I just have to put this back in you. But somehow metric was positive like transformer. So that's my whole thought when I start doing this like, and then at the end of the chapter, she's still crying and everything. And I remember misogyny my early 20s. And I said to all I know what's going on to you. But I just want you to know that from now on, you're just like that bird, you're beautiful, and you can fly for it. And she just burst into tears pretty much just handed me the mommy and lift. What just happened then kind of do. Anyway. So a few months later, I got this postcard glass back then snail mail. And I've got this beautiful little postcard and there was a fairy on it. And it was called Vivian the fairy of all things, which totally tripped me out because that's my middle name. And no one really knew that. Then I flipped it over. And what is this, and this lady had written me this card and said, you probably will never see me again. But I needed you to know that my time with you and getting that tattoo, I came back I packed on myself she lived a domestic violence situation. The dad had Melissa like this is all in this car, totally told me all this stuff. And she finally got enough to pack up, do it. And she moved to the other side of the function. And that was in one little postcard sent. And that really hit me of like, wow, what am I doing? What am I really doing. There was another lady found her daughter on the streets in the cross and pulled her off, got her home and got her healthy, got her off drugs. And she bought it in all she wanted was a little star. And I remember chattering down on her and saying to ever you feel like you need like you feel you're going to that dark place. Again, remember your stylist needs to keep on. You have these opportunities with people. And it's only in that moment that you might never see these people get. And my early days were in Byron Bay. And it was the late night like it was the 90s. So like the late 90s. So it is here to keep me in the 90s of that summer for ever I will be so happy that I'm there were moments where he just went with these people.

And I think again, if you had a room of tattooists, we'd all have these monumental gut wrenching stories of human kindness and compassion and, and something in that moment when you try doing some of these people. So you every aspect of an emotion of humans can be reflected some way in a chatroom. Someone might come at you from last someone great mean love. Versus children do not like everything that we feel as humans can be put into art. And it's not just totally like there's music. There's all that's why the collective creative people are so important in all society. Yeah. And that's the guy that taught me to tell you years and years ago like he's, he's passed over now and I am always eternally grateful and loving for it. He said, doesn't matter if you're doing a bad job or a tiny little chatter, like everyone is the same. They've come to you and they trust you to do that. They do and they really want it And yes, you have to get one. You have to get one.

Me no way. Because I heard the tattoos can change live. Do you believe in that?

Yes, I do. I believe that they, they can. That's the one thing that that I, um I travelled three states and five years and had so many people tell me that I could never ever be a tattoo artist ever. And so I just I just a magic of chattering and I just wanted to have a go at it. And actually, he only just died this year as well. And I remember my first year of tattooing, and, and John tapped me on the shoulder once and he said, You've lasted a year, you'll never leave it. And he was so right. But also to that first tattoo that I ever did was the our because I did run myself as well. And wow, was a real, like, decision that I made for myself that I'd have to live with for the rest of my life. And it was probably one of the most amazing empowering things I ever do. But that question of yes, they can change you and and yeah, I think unless you do go through the experience of it yourself. You don't really it's hard to explain. There's people that will only get one and only ever get one that whole lot. And then yeah, there is those ones that will get one I have a bit of a joke with my clients and and you just know they've come in and they've got this one. And you just known and it's always a bit of a joke I have with them. I said Ah save you with See you when you're going to slave one up there. No, no, no. And then sure enough, I've got one spot just recently before locked down. She's like, No, I'm only getting one and she's already hassling me now in lockdown going to when we open again, can I..

you think it's an addiction? Most of the time? Why?

Well, I think I think a lot go into it and they're a little bit scared of what the pain means. So, um, you know, what people are going to not pay? Maybe not so much now. But you know what people think or? I mean, I have 60 women that still hiding their bodies from their moms, you know? But um, yeah, I think there is that bit of a Oh, I love this. I like the look of it. I like the feel of it. I can't, you know, people like flower makes him feel. But you physically like I tell you can change your hair. You can change the clothes you can you I mean, technically you can get as it lays it off. But really, you decide to do that you commit. You commit to something for yourself.

Yeah, because for me personally, why I'm not doing one. I was like, maybe five years ago thinking that and think what is that I want to put on my skin forever. It should have really some big meaning for me, you know, so I want to live with that for the rest of my life. And what is that? And I didn't feel the urge, you know, like to engrave something in my body, like and that's it's the one thing like what I didn't to do it at all just for the sake of doing that. It's not interesting for me. And the second one, how does it change your life? Because I know they're all the marks and signs on your body somehow. I believe in that the changes. I see people I have friends, a lot of friends with tattoo. I have a friend who does very dark tattoos, you know, and I can see how his life is changing in the dark way, you know, like he did some ..

Is it tattoo changing him or is he changing? And he is using the tattoo to reflect that part of his

excellent remark. Yeah, that's an excellent remark. It just made me think from a different angle, maybe you are right

So you've got to take it like tattoo art is art. And it's a way of expressing something that's within. And this is what made me come to mind as well. I remember a guy coming in and, and he wanted a tiger on him and in conversation with him. I said, So why, why both things did you pick the tiger. And he had to go in for some pretty severe surgery. And as you just about went under heat, the last thing that he heard was that he needs to be as strong as Akutagawa. And he came out of the surgery, and this guy was like, 60, odd, never got a tattoo before, never. And he said, I just, I just want a tiger if I only get one tattoo level, but he just needed that to remind him to be. So I think the magic for me about tattooing, if it is something that is in your subconscious, conscious, whatever, even people that just walking and pick something off the wall, there's something that's making them want that even people that just slave things with images, or they think it's cool, or whatever they might not necessarily know. But there is something subconsciously coming to the surface. It's really good to start background so you know where I'm coming from. So I think that as an art form, it is an expression of that soul. And because it's in a physical, meaning medium. You're carrying that with you. So then yeah, I can talk to you for hours about all the songs. I really get on the soapbox with it. And I go off on tangents and have 15 million different conversations about it all. But for me, personally, again, I don't know of anywhere else. But I was very lucky and very blessed very early in my career to meet amazing people that I do believe gave me the foundation of magic in tattooing, to respect tattooing. And I've always said it to young tattooers. And people look off to tattoo and today we will have to you have to honour what that essence of tattooing is. And it could be going back from tribal stuff. Like never places you only got tattoos as a rite of passage. You look at the oldest tattooers in the world, and it's a woman that you have to track all the way through and she might you might get to the end of that Trek and she'll bring on you. Like, there's honour and respect and there's like, It's potent. It's very mainstream now and shops everywhere. And it's great and Instagram and all of that, like the world of tattooing has changed, but I think the essence of what tattoo is. Yeah, that's, that's the big thing for me.

I love this conversation. It's really interesting. You just actually made me think about about this subject from different angles I never thought of and I have it with me to think over. Do you teach young artists how to tattoo?

Well, I mean, we get hit up all the time about I'm an apprentice. It's an apprenticeship sort of thing. So yeah, and you Oh, again, if we got ours. There's the average guy that I work with. This is two of us. It's just too good. We're just two females in a studio. And both her and I've been doing this for a very, very long time. And we did it old school, like old school where I even still remember inks being made with pigments and acetone, like acetate stencils and how I used to make needles by hand there's not as that anymore. Everything's like can be is all pre made chuck it out. Um, so yeah, when people hit us up to do an apprenticeship it's quite interesting. Because we wanted so bad to tattoo that we get it from the heart pretty much nothing. When we first kicked off, and there we go, good old days of like morals and ethics and, and you shook someone's hand and that was your word. And it was I was in the air of the trade where it was sort of secrets were passed down one on one and that that rule old school apprenticeship kind of deal, which isn't really like that anymore. Anyone can go and buy a kit on eBay and, and start and then like, and I'm sure if I was really young and really, really wanted to get into it like I did back then I would probably do the same and be buying stuff. And, you know, I actually did when I first started and found out it was the worst thing I could have done, and actually handed it over to the president of the tattooing Association go, oh my god, I'm so sorry. I did. So yeah. It's just crazy how young people just can think that they can get away with nothing and not putting effort. We've had a couple of people trial with us in particular, and that was like, even cleaning floors was, oh, do I have to do that? It's kinda like, you're not going to be an Instagram Rockstar tetherless in my first month. But, you know, that's just our experience that we've had. It's, it's like, oh, like you'd find it in your profession now. But I'm gonna buy a camera. I'm a photographer.

Oh, you know, funnily enough, I also have a lot of requests for teaching, but I always say no, it just because my answer no, So far, was because I was doing it more into intuitive in by intuition than by rules. You know, like, I have to explain how camera works. I don't know, you know, seriously, I don't know how camera works.

So I thought it started yet. Like that's so with me as well is like, I can't teach you how to draw. I can't teach. I can, I will laugh and go. Like the guy that actually taught me to tattoo he couldn't even draw my like, it was it was such a funny joke. So I've always argued the point of like, yeah, it's the person the person's gonna want it or do it regardless. Like I got, I had people tell me that I'll never be a tattooer so that I had to Yeah, that's even a funny story. But it's just I think it comes down to each individual if they really want to do something.

Yeah, just comes within like with the It's Your individual feel. Look, it's how you see it's an art Yeah, like how you see it should be

but it's also it's not a job. This is my life. This is not I don't clock on clock off. Yeah, until we interesting this lockdown in particular, like the last one that we had the May I was kind of glad for the breakfast be tired, and maybe not over at all. And, and this one and even thinking well, we could come out of this and all the restrictions. I'm like, oh my god, I actually really miss it. And I'm with that. And even I was doing six days a week and the grind and oh my god. Whoo. As you do yeah, really, really thrown me this one my whole thing of I miss actually tattooing

doing it. Yeah,

doing it. Which is been an interesting few weeks I have to say

I'm in a better position here because I have my husband and I can photograph him as much as I want. So probably you cannot tattoo your kids as much as you want

I’ve been painting which is good but I don't know it's it's interesting. And yeah, it's an interesting month all around I think hitting the big 50 and then locked down yeah, just questioning a lot of aspects of my life.

So what did what was the biggest challenge you're experiencing at this age now?

Oh, not being able to fucking do what I want to do.

Well, this is locked down okay.

But in general, I actually no, like I said, Sachi last time I saw you, I think having to turn 50 Since I was born, I was very excited about turning 50. And that never changed is interesting, the actual arrival day. But um, yeah, there's definitely been a big shift since I have officially turned 50. And whether that's just a mentally mental thing for me, or Yeah, it's like, don't, I could go out tomorrow in a big bang. And everyone around me would know, I've lived a fucking great life. I've got amazing kids. I've done a lot of things that a lot of people haven't done. And I'm very lucky and grateful. And I'm okay to go. Which I know I'm not going to go tomorrow. But this is sort of at ease and comfort and it's just take me how I am or whatever. Like, I'm, I'm fresh, I can't go to work. I'm frustrated. I can't go and see my friends. I don't want to say or, and, and I think the whole world has changed. So how we all come out of this, I don't know that that's a little bit scary. But then at the same time, I'm like, No, I I've travelled I've done. Yeah, this is big shift of acceptance, I think be just acceptance of day by day, whatever. Wake up and go.

Learning to leave. Here now. Be here now.

Yeah. Yeah. So that's why it's interesting, because this interview we're doing now versus those photos you took with me? I already know I'm completely different.

Yeah. Because for those who we didn't mention that we doing this interview a few months apart from the actual photoshoot because like we re recording it, as the first version wasn't recorded properly. So it's been a few months after you've Yeah, and you change.

Yeah, I shaved my head. And I still haven't told you what I did. I actually, I told my daughter, one of my daughters. And that was on. Yeah, she can't she's moved back home. And so I think she's the only person knows that I did a photoshoot with you. I still haven't told you.

Remember, you said that I didn't tell anyone and then should my daughter I remember that. Yeah, it's interesting. So I have a few more questions for you. Like, which I haven't lost yet. Everyone knows that with age, we change. But what positive changes have you experienced with this age?

I like to set just more of an acceptance of who I am and my place in the world. I'm not stressing so much about stuff… No, I wouldn't say regret but just Yeah, I guess. Just do what you want to do more in the moment. Then kind of worrying about things you can't control.

This that would be your advice to 30 years old self?

Ah 30 years old self. God, they probably listening but I'm 30 years at 30 was my first child I spend with my first child so I'm mindful 30 year old self not listen to so many other people's bullshit. Don't compare. Don't sort of compare myself. Research, learn educate. And yeah. Live in a moment, but also take good care of yourself. Yourself. Like who else was mentally physically? Good 30 at 30 I don't think I'd like to be 30 again now.

Yeah, me too. I'm happy with, with some things I'm not happy. But generally I'm happy with what I am now.

But my question is saying like that age thing. I'm getting happier with who I am as I get older, more accepting of myself. And situations as I get older, whether it is that wisdom thing or maturity or, I mean, I don't think I'm very mature, but it's it is really hard to explain, isn't it? It is, I think as an as as being more comfortable in your own skin as well.

So what advice would you give younger women who will eventually undergo this age changes?

Um, again, don't, don't compare like, trust yourself. Know your own value and self worth. Just be true to yourself. Educate yourself. Just don't take everyone else's word as being the truth like educate yourself and know your own core belief. And that trusting yourself then you can't be weighed, wavered sort of things. And yeah, like I said, before, really protect and look after your health helps in all aspects. Mind Body, soul, like, and again, coming back to that body image and compare like, Be your own healthy, be your own happy, be your own style, like. Yeah. I think if I had more time over again, in a lot of aspects, I would have just try not so hard to be like a few other people when I was really young, and we all do it. We all do it. And there's that pressure to be certain things or certain ways to listen to your eye like that, that spot in you that no one else hears, except for you. Listen to that.

Absolutely, absolutely. So what does it mean for you? Feeling good, and looking good? What do you think comes first?

You gonna feel it? If if you feel it..Yeah. I reckon some people sometimes spend a fortune trying to look a million dollars, but if they feel like crap, you don't really feel it in that spot. Yeah, so definitely have to feel.

So what makes you feel the most beautiful?

just in those moments where I'm okay with me. And it could be doing the dishes. It could be just laying in the sun. It could be those mundane things. And, and that was, I noticed one of your questions was a good quote. Find the magic in the mundane.

That's your favourite Quote?

find the magic in the mundane. Yeah, when I when he first interviewed me, it was absolute refusal of the trial. I still like that one. But yeah. Yeah. But that's probably when I do feel my happiest is just, you know, really simple moments, where you just go, oh, it's like I couldn't go anywhere for the big birthday or whatever. And I was like such two kids. I just got to do one thing for myself. And I'm getting up and I'm gonna watch the sun come up. So I did I went down to the beach, and that I thought was dark. And I did watch the sun come up. And like I said to you at the beginning, it was the most amazing, beautiful sunrise I've ever seen in my entire life. And it will be with me for the rest of my life. Now I've long rallies. And I remember sitting there and watching these, the sun and the clouds and just these rays and I must just planted right in the middle of it. cuz the wave just hit me up at dawn sort of thing. And that actually sat there and cried at how beautiful nature was in that moment. And then I just, you know, the lockdown walkers. And not one person, not one person. Look. It was my trip to me right out, like, here I am sitting there. And no one. Look, they're just marching up the beach doing the thing that they're meant to do. And this lady, no, she's she's hated older than me. No shoes, walked up. And she didn't even see me. And she's walking, and she stopped. And she looked in her whole body relaxed. And she took a photo. She stood there for a bit longer. And then she kept walking. And I went, Yes, there was one. There was one that just saw a glimmer of what I just saw. … And that was it. I thought, wow, it's just be really this is this is it? Now you've made it? I didn't think I'd ever make it. But yeah, I made it and just from this time on, just enjoy the moment. Yeah, it was pretty. That's one of my hashtags on my Instagram, nature nurtures or being the moment or whatever…

talking about your Instagram, and I forgot to ask you, and maybe someone would like to find you as a tattoo artist, where they can do that. What's the name of your art place?

On my Instagram is at Miss DVJ. Pretty easy. And then yeah, just on Facebook, I have just standing at my Danielle business page.

I will tag into the post when I post it. And you are located in

the at the moment I am in Mid North coast.

Remember you said you had two places right? Or?

Like yeah, there's the owner of the studio I work for he's got two shops that are in that wildcard and wild karma.

So I will put that in description with for the interview. And I as to enjoy our conversation today. And I know that's not enough time to ask you everything and discuss

Yeah, this and I have a bad habit of going off on tangents and a million stories using one story was well,

maybe you will decide one day to do your own podcast about tattoos. You can tell ..

oh gosh, look, I am lucky enough to know, so many different people in the tattoo industry. And there's one guy in particular at the moment in lockdown. He's been interviewing and doing his own stuff about all these titles that he knows. And a few that I've watched because I used to know I like when I first met him in my 20s so and that was over in London. And it's just been funny that like all these years. So this sort of you know, you know, those friends you have on Instagram and Facebook and stuff. But he's doing all these. These things love lockdown, taboo stuff, and it's just brought up so many memories. It's just been so good. The tattoo industry, it's got so many colourful, amazing people in it.

And you are one of them

I'm just a speck in that to be honest, like just a speck. If you're really into tattooing and tattoo art and history of tightening up, there's hours and hours and hours you can spend watching and asking questions and talking about it and it's I'm truly blessed and just so grateful that it's been a big part of my life and all the people that I've met and tattoo then it's, you know, it's a big tapestry of colourful names amazing moments. Um, I'm really really blacking

Well, I've been lucky to have you on our project and

I tend to waffle a bit and that thank you. It was pretty crazy how we met. That was just definitely been Oh yeah.

That's cool. All the great things happen usually.

That's why I read your photos as well like seeing them all lined up. You've captured in photos, so many different aspects of my personality as well. That's what I Yeah, amazing photos. Thank you so much for having me.

And thank you very much for joining the project. And hopefully, we will keep in touch for longer than the project. Yeah.

Come on. I'm gonna be a your 50 year old supermodel.

Thank you very much, Danielle. Thank you.

You take care.

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This is the 45 over 45 chapter of MY BODY MY STORY podcast, where we celebrate rule breakers and role models - the women who inspire us to live life our way and to show their SENSUALITY, BEAUTY, SOUL, and TRUE ESSENCE.

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